The Quiz - How does it all work?

Welcome to the Curaçao Pubquiz!

Finish first and receive an ANG 50,= discount on your drink tab at the end of the night! To be eligible for this, at no point during the quiz your team can consist of more than 5 players. The entree fee is ANG 15,00 per team. Registration for next quiz is free for the team(s) in last place!

Quiz format

The quiz consists of 7 Rounds with 10 questions per Round. Round 1 is the Picture Round, your Team has until the end of Round 4 to complete Round 1. Round 6 is the Audio Round where for each audio clip you will be asked to name the title and the name of the performing artist(s).

Each correct answer is good for at least 1 point, except for Round 6 where each correct answer scores half a point (unless the Audio Round uses the format where only one answer is needed per audio clip).

There is a short break between Rounds 4 and 5.

Using this site

After signing up, the team captain will receive this week's login and password by e-mail.

Team captains: please do not share the team captain login and password with the rest of your team. If a second player logs in as team captain, the original team captain will be logged out automatically an can no longer submit answers.

After logging in, the answering form for Round 2 and the pictures from Round 1 will appear as soon as the Host has started the quiz. The answers for the Picture Round, Round 1, should be given in the second answering form at the bottom half of your screen. For your scores to be judged and your team to be included in the Final Results, the Host has to approve your team.

During the quiz

Team captains: please try to avoid using your browser's navigation buttons, but feel free to refresh a page if you think it's needed. Although depending on your browser, this may cause the fields you have already filled in to be cleared, so you will have to fill them in again.

If you don't know the answer to a question you can leave the answer field empty. For the pictures of Round 1, you can answer these until you submit your Round 4 answers.

Special questions

The correct answers for Round 2 Question 1, Round 3 Question 1 and Round 4 Question 1 are all the same. Those get progressively easier, the sooner you figure it out the sooner you start scoring points there. We call these the relay questions.

Halfway during Round 4, we have the Bitterballs Question. You can't score points there. We will ask you for a number, the team that is closest with their answer receives a free plate of bitterballs.

The final 3 questions of the final round, Round 7, all share the same theme. You can score 1 point for Question 8, 2 points for Question 9 and 3 points for Question 10. We call these the hattrick questions.

Quiz rules

If we ask for a person's name, if possible, always give both their first and last name. Exceptions would be people that are mainly known by a single name, like Bono, Madonna or Cher.

To state the obvious: no cheating. We all play on our electronic devices, so it can be tempting to look up answers. But that would make organizing the quiz pointless. When you get caught cheating (and you will), you are disqualified for that Round.